Dallas - JFK - November 1963

- Changed the Parade route at last minute

- No one admitted to the change after extensive investigation

- changed to a route with a 45 degree in violation of 90 degree protocol

- inadequate security on route with windows open, no SS on roofs or in Dealy Plaza

- Police complicit in violations

- vehicles were in improper sequence

- no wedge formation by police cycles

- police cycles were put behind car vs next to it

- vehicle slowed to near halt at corner

- vehicle slowed to a near halt after bullets started

- All agents unresponsive other than Clint Hill jumping on car for Jackie.

- Brains, blood and evidence cleaned and washed from Limo at Parkland before JFK declared dead.

- Limo stripped and rebuilt in Detroit by Monday

- Substitute windshields with old one destroyed

- regular driver dies in mysterious heart attack one month before

- officers ordered off running boards at Love Field

- officers kept off of limo in Dealy Plaza.

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Our Constitution is made for a moral and Religious people. It is wholly inadequate to any other.

- John Adams

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Well said! It is not about which political ideology one follows but so much more about the flagrant displays of hypocrisy and double standards being employed…Accountability is the base requirement for any civilised community to understand its boundaries…

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I agree - excellent post. At least the Trump team knows all the evil tricks of the deep state this time, and won't naively trust for anything like fair play. It's a fight; a political war.

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Virtue isn't the biggest problem. Basic competence is the biggest problem. China doesn't allow failures like this. China fires or executes officials who fail.

The secret service is just like the rest of the federal govenment. Congress makes rules to prevent itself from doing its basic job of budgeting. All budgets are ringfenced and off-limits. Secret service requires RAPPELLING SKILLS for a 5 degree slant, then doesn't train the crews in RAPPELLING. Both made rules to prevent themselves from doing their assigned jobs. Standard non-operating procedure, SNOP.

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I disagree with your first sentence. Without virtue, competence becomes irrelevant, or worse, it would be used for evil. Incompetence would be almost tolerable if mistakes were acknowledged and attempts were made to try to correct them, but without virtue, neither acknowledgement nor any attempt to correct will be done.

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