Oct 11Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

We still have conservation that is practiced by many industrial operations. The practice is both moral and economic. Doing the right thing is not a new thing and is definitely not supported by the actions of the leftists that worship the climatocatastrophists fear campaign based wholly on hype, lies, and misrepresentations. To maintain the standard of living we currently have, and to raise up developing nations standard of living to what they desire, requires the extraction and consumption of earths resources. This is where the rub with leftists comes as their goal is to reduce the population and maintain their lifestyle nit that if the masses. Yes, the leftists are arrogant. Yes, the leftists are immoral. Yes, the leftists are disgusting hypocrites.

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Oct 11Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

We are to take care of the environment, but not worship it.

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator" Romans 1:25

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