The Collapse of Conservation and Evaporation of Environmentalism, Co-Opted for the Sake of the Big Green Grift
When I was in high school, during the late 1960s, environmentalism wasn't yet a thing. That didn't happen until Earth Day in 1970. I was a Future Farmers of America (FFA) student then, and we always had an annual speech contest. My speech the last year I was involved was about conservation, a practical term that always meant ‘wise use of natural resources.’ Earth Day changed all that, and wise use evolved into an environmentalism of no use as radicals took over the cause. Radicals, though, are always vulnerable to exploitation, which is exactly what's happened as the cause has been co-opted for the sake of the Big Green Grift.
How did this happen? How did 'wise use of natural resources” evolve into 'save the planet’ thinking, as if the Earth was more important than the people that occupy it? It started with the sort of misanthropic thinking that infects spoiled generations who worry about others taking what they perceive as theirs and theirs alone. They view the Earth as their private playground and don't want hordes of commoners claiming the same rights to use and enjoy those natural resources.
This takes me back to the Tom Clancy novel "Rainbow Six.” It revolved around a scheme concocted by the elitist CEO of an American pharmaceutical company who wanted to kill off 90% of the world's population. He is supported by environmental extremist sycophants who imagine the Earth is being destroyed by human beings and want to see it revert to nature, as if all people weren't part of nature.
They develop a flesh-eating killer virus that is tested on people pulled off the streets of New York City. The favored elites, of course, have access to a vaccine to protect themselves. Their plan is frustrated by Clancy's hero and the villains end up in a Brazil jungle, naked and afraid and never heard from again.
“Rainbow Six” was published in 1998. Some folks criticized the theme described above as being bizarre and unrealistic, but it seems a lot less so 26 years later, doesn't it? Two and one-half decades of experience with the Deep State, Big Pharma, the COVID debacle, Mark Zuckerberg's underground castle in case of war, extremist pro-abortion policies targeted at certain populations, the ever-increasing elitist contempt for "deplorables” and the failures of government to render meaningful help to Hurricane Helene victims, all suggest elites really, really don't like us and would just as soon we not be around.
And, today, the face of environmentalism is climate change politics, which elevates the Earth over its occupants. It is now ever more clear the whole thing is nothing but a substitute religion for the true believers. It also makes them so very vulnerable to exploitation by BIg Green Grifters who need to force fossil fuel and nuclear energy out of the way so the solar and wind con games can proceed.
It's gotten to the point that even RFK, Jr., who once wanted to jail climate skeptics, has said things have gone too far and environmentalism has lost its way. He's correct. Conservation begat environmentalism, environmentalism begat the climate cult and the climate cult begat the Big Green Grift. We need to get back to conservation, that is to say, ‘wise use of natural resources’ for the benefit of man. Nothing less will do.
#Conservation #Climate #ClimateChange #Environmentalism #ClimateCult #BigGreenGrift #WiseUse #RainbowSix #Virus
We are to take care of the environment, but not worship it.
"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator" Romans 1:25
We still have conservation that is practiced by many industrial operations. The practice is both moral and economic. Doing the right thing is not a new thing and is definitely not supported by the actions of the leftists that worship the climatocatastrophists fear campaign based wholly on hype, lies, and misrepresentations. To maintain the standard of living we currently have, and to raise up developing nations standard of living to what they desire, requires the extraction and consumption of earths resources. This is where the rub with leftists comes as their goal is to reduce the population and maintain their lifestyle nit that if the masses. Yes, the leftists are arrogant. Yes, the leftists are immoral. Yes, the leftists are disgusting hypocrites.