Sep 14Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

So the EPA cat lady is in fact not a scientist, for if she were, age would a) not blithely accept dogmatic "science", b) use logic and deductive reasoning to combat irrational fear, c) recognize the limitations of climate (or any other) modeling and the reality that the climate is not a novel with a simple protagonist and antagonist.

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I want to know where the woman on her knees crying like someone had died the day Trump was elected, where is she now? She might need to join this support group. I am sure you all recall her face. Honestly, as a person who has been through trauma-based therapy personally, the people who are this "stress, anxious, depressed" etc about climate, need trauma-based therapy. They are offloading their upbringings onto a social cause stoked by fear. If you want not to feel this way, turn your TV off, stop social media, adopt a dog and go for a walk in the park every day. Thy might even want to talk to someone, anyone, about any topic other than climate and elections. And while you are at it, cook a meal and listen to comedy. These people are so subconsciously identified with their poor upbringings, they can't see the forest through the trees. I want to feel for them, but honestly, the amount of damage they perpetrate on others (due to their trauma being undiagnosed/dealt with) causes them to bleed their problems onto everyone else.

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Sep 8Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

STEM degrees should be free. Anything else should cost $200,000

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Well, I'd still teach MacBeth because that's what we're living through.

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Sep 8Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Egad! This poor soul certainly has problems, but I believe that she has seriously mis-identified the cause. I've heard of the climate being falsely blamed for some unrelated problems, but this "takes the cake"! Get help Madam, please get help.

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Sep 8Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Non-profit status should only be awarded to entities that make no profit. Companies that increase their net worth over time should not. Non profits are the biggest money laundering scam on the planet these days.

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I get the ICN newsletter in my email, the reason I do is not because I think it is worth reading, but so I can stay abreast of their nonsense. They literally exemplify the lunatic fringe. The question in my mind is, are they really effective? I believe the answer is, to some degree, yes. On X you will see their articles posted by the usual climate doom sayers almost hourly. The dormers on X have a cult following that spew hate at anyone that chooses to attempt to refute the nonsense. All facts are ignored, and pure hate will be unleashed. I happen to agree with @ElonMusk that freedom of speech must be protected at all costs. But the climate lies are causing harm. I do not know what can be done other then to keep pushing the truth. #X.

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That's exactly the remedy! Thank you!

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