The newly rebuilt Notre Dame Cathedral supoosedly has a spot for "climate change", which itself is just a propaganda meaphor for Holocaust 2.0; not just against Jews, but all common people in the modern world.

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And what makes this more interesting is that the real truth is the climate con systems of solar and wind actually cause allot more medical problems!! I have hundreds of pages of the health issues caused by this massive scam.That is what they should really teach.The real truth and not continue with this set of lies!!

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Hopefully this incoming administration will remove these Indoctrination Camps tax exemption status. There is no reason why a private university should have such status. It's time to get them in the other "green"....free money from the Feds.

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There have always been climate crises, and many cures have been tried; sacrificing virgins - didn't work and in short supply today, cutting the hearts out of a couple of hundred peasants - frownd on today, and deprving ourselves of all our creature comforts which is being tried today. That won't work either. So let's worry about real problems like war and famine, but that's probably asking too much.

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Crazy, no what’s bigger than crazy? Never ending BS….

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Another good reason to stay away from traditional healthcare. They want us all dead.

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The climatocatastrophists are against anything that helps humans. They are just evil.

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