Sep 11Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The fragile vulnerability of each wind tower is horrific in financial terms alone.

They don’t make sense as first line power.

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Sep 4Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

This post hits most of the many reasons wind energy is a complete loser, although it's a lot gentler in their criticism than I would be. I don't think they mentioned the deaths of whales and other marine destruction, the aesthetic destruction of formerly beautiful views and landscapes, or the constraints during too much wind, which lowers the wholesale price and causes our much better, steady and reliable energy producers like nuclear and fossil fuels to become unprofitable, shooting ourselves in the foot. I've borrowed a couple factoids to use in my post for tomorrow, which will be about the environmental destruction of wind.

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Sep 4Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Like Mary Mc, I too was thinking I wouldn't have to fight wind, but then the letters started showing up and neighbors who would possibly sign were identified... now the race is on to notify everyone in the area and land lock these people. They are aiming for 3 counties, 2 of which already have wind, and 1 already fought it several years ago. This time we are not letting them sneak in, the county judges and commissioners are no longer in favor of tax abatements, since they have seen some of the destruction and had a lot of education over the last few years!

I know of 1 turbine fire, locally - I am sure there are more. I have also seen 1 turbine with oil being slung for a very long way off the blades as it dripped out of nacelle

Land locking is the only way to stop these facilities going in here in Texas, but you have to hear about them early. It's a hard battle, but also somewhat easier than solar because of the amount land covered and the very visual aspect of turbines. Lot's more NIMBY's with this one, including me!

I have found it hard to get other people involved who were in the fight before and I don't really want to do this again, but what choice do we have? Our rural lands are being destroyed for generations and taken out of food production. OUR RURAL CULTURE IS BEING DESTROYED, this is America being destroyed! City folks do not understand that aspect and don't see the destruction. Watch this https://youtu.be/6SM70iYv_CU to get an understanding, it's about 58 minutes long but worth the time. Interesting every time I watch it Obama has an ad collecting for Kommy Kamala - interesting algorithm.!

This is a great all inclusive article to pass around - appreciate that Tom.

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Sep 4Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I knew it was bad but didn't know it was THIS BAD! 😳

Because I'm in middle VA, I haven't paid as much attention to the wind issues as my county has been inundated with solar developers. We've succeeded in stopping three projects this year. Because we've educated the locals, I doubt there will be another approved any time soon.

I try to keep up with wind issues also because Dominion Power is building a monstrosity off the coast, along with the others further north. This article is fantastic and I'll share with the groups that I'm part of.

This whole "green" energy mess is just a money scam and is evident by one of the statements in this article.

Thanks for posting.

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