Great news. I don’t understand why more energy companies haven’t been doing the same thing. Why are they not banding together with ads that highlight how crazy these people are?

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Now for the Sierra Club, WWF, EDF, etc etc! Where the hell are the billionaire worldwide O&G companies? Get some Kahunas and help this man, even if under the table.

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

This could turn into an important victory. Keep us posted on this.

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Smash their ( green ) altars.

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

In answer to the title question, I sincerely hope so.

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

ET shouldn’t just sue greenpeace. Go after individuals too. Nothing focuses the mind like your zealot peers facing multi-million dollar judgements and bankruptcy. Perhaps some 7 figure judgements will help them clarify the line between what is peaceful protest and what isn’t.

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The ultimate ET Phone Home.

Go Kelcy!

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

What refreshing news!! Someone with vision and courage has emerged. It's about time that the O&G industry stood up to the enviro-thugs. I hope that Energy Transfer wins a crushing victory. Thank you Mr. Warren!

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Corporate leadership with a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, customers and employees are far more likely to be cowed by lefty wives, children and the lure of cool cocktail parties. They are largely spineless cyphers.

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You are so correct on this, Jason!!!

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Glad Energy Transfer is standing up for their rights. If Greenpeace goes bankrupt it will be interesting to see if their people actually make the senate hearings, once they are no longer paid! Are seen on the protest lines or at any activities!

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Sep 9Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Finally some real pushback on these wingnut protesters.

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