Surfing the net this morning, I visited the PJM site. PJM is one of the better positioned Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs) these days but do we really need them? I suggest not based on two news releases posted on their site on December 10 and December 23
When there is a true crisis and not enough reliable electricity is available this decision will be a valuable lesson in reliable base load power generation. Scary for people in that area.
PJM is one of the best run RTOs in the country. If it didn't exist and only IOUs existed 8n it's place, Indian Point would have been decommissioned years ago because it is expensive to run. The real culprit here is deregulation brought on by Enron. If they were still vertically integrated public regulated monopolies, there would be no wholesale power market.
Those that pushed to close the coal generating plant should be held accountable - perhaps bring back the public display in a stock so voters and consumers can pummel them with rotten vegetables and rotten fruit. Then get a new board. The decisions to early retire facilities without having online replacement power that is 24x7 reliable is tantamount to incompetence and purposeful mismanagement.
When there is a true crisis and not enough reliable electricity is available this decision will be a valuable lesson in reliable base load power generation. Scary for people in that area.
PJM is one of the best run RTOs in the country. If it didn't exist and only IOUs existed 8n it's place, Indian Point would have been decommissioned years ago because it is expensive to run. The real culprit here is deregulation brought on by Enron. If they were still vertically integrated public regulated monopolies, there would be no wholesale power market.
Very hard to understand what in the world you're saying here. ??
Those that pushed to close the coal generating plant should be held accountable - perhaps bring back the public display in a stock so voters and consumers can pummel them with rotten vegetables and rotten fruit. Then get a new board. The decisions to early retire facilities without having online replacement power that is 24x7 reliable is tantamount to incompetence and purposeful mismanagement.