Jun 20Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Per Mr Bryce, they are all being built at Buc'ees in the South where no one will use them. Never get in the way of some free money!

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Jun 20Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

In reference to, “She added that some areas where charging stations are to be deployed do not yet have electricity:”

This is strictly my opinion but I’ll bet that’s due to the numerous, complex transmission and distribution planning studies that these charging stations have triggered. When someone connects to the electric system, especially large commercial or industrial customers, it’s never a matter of just “plugging them in.” Electric utiiity companies must conduct a planning study to ensure that the facilities in place, e.g., transformers, conductors/wires, etc., can facilitate the additional load the new customer is going to put on the system — in addition to making sure existing customers aren’t going to be subjected to service reliability impacts. If there is a significant amount of load growth, these planning studies can become very complex and take a long time complete. Plus, utility companies always factor in what peak demand for a new customer is going to look like, and in the case of a charging station, it doesn’t matter if one or two people in a town of a few thousand own an electric car or not; customer peak demand is always taken into consideration to ensure reliability will be maintained.

As for this whole Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issue, it really is a sight to see how this administration continues to turn to cannibalism with not only that program but others on its roster, such as this joke of an infrastructure program. These programs are failing left and right and it’s eating them alive that they have no one to blame but themselves.

These people will never admit that the more “equality” they try to create only results in the opposite for everything they touch, especially when it comes to energy, diversity, and morality in general.

Excellent work as always, Mr. Shepstone.

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Jun 20Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thanks but Ugh - If I were a contractor, I sure wouldn't be very interested in getting a job if it took hundreds of pages of paperwork just to apply, and if I could get sued if some bureaucrat decided I didn't have enough "diversity, equity, and inclusion" in my choice of workers. No wonder charging stations aren't getting built under this program.

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