Sep 18Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

These people would make such a hellhole out of the USA that the Soviet Union would look good by comparison. Scary!!!!

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Sep 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thanks for the actual platform text. As for Jill Stein's followers, "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" 2 Thessalonians 2:11

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Sep 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The hottest year is a lie. The climate crisis is a lie. These elitists want to claim Trey can pick the ideal weather and proclaim that as the standard they want to legislate. This is pure arrogance and totally idiotic. Man does not control the earth nor the climate. These people are following a Jim Jones cult - hopefully they can all attend a global meeting.

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Sep 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Lunacy at its best……. These people are absolutely uninformed and gullible.

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