The ‘renewables’ have no place in the grid, they should be placed at the end user site. The leftist greenies need to learn to accept reality. The huge consumers of electricity and of thermal energy are not building renewables generation plants to provide for their needs. Why not? Economics. So if it is so economic let the leftist greenies install at their site and isolate them from the grid. Of course we could just use less electricity and go without the huge data centers. I could easily live without AI.
Coal and gas are useful for fuel, and hydro and nuclear are useful for producing electricity, but oil is needed for thousands of other things besides fuel or electricity.
If you take the Book of Genesis literally, life was created by God only about 6000 years ago, not millions or billions, and men had language, farming, animal husbandry, mining and metallurgy skills, right from the beginning. The patriarchs were no doubt a lot smarter than us because there was no build up of mutations yet.
The cave men were a regression from the civilization they left behind when God confused the language (at the Tower of Babel) and scattered the people to different parts of the globe.
The ice age was an aftermath of the Flood and the people that moved north lived in caves because of the ice. (For this take on the ice age, check out
If you read the Book of Revelation, you'll see that there will still be plenty of people here, living normally, when the Lord returns.
So I take this whole article with a grain of salt, even though there is much good sense in it about the waste of wind and solar and EVs. The premise of "billions of years" and this earth being around after people are gone is non-biblical thinking. God will create a "new heaven and a new earth".
The ‘renewables’ have no place in the grid, they should be placed at the end user site. The leftist greenies need to learn to accept reality. The huge consumers of electricity and of thermal energy are not building renewables generation plants to provide for their needs. Why not? Economics. So if it is so economic let the leftist greenies install at their site and isolate them from the grid. Of course we could just use less electricity and go without the huge data centers. I could easily live without AI.
Coal and gas are useful for fuel, and hydro and nuclear are useful for producing electricity, but oil is needed for thousands of other things besides fuel or electricity.
If you take the Book of Genesis literally, life was created by God only about 6000 years ago, not millions or billions, and men had language, farming, animal husbandry, mining and metallurgy skills, right from the beginning. The patriarchs were no doubt a lot smarter than us because there was no build up of mutations yet.
The cave men were a regression from the civilization they left behind when God confused the language (at the Tower of Babel) and scattered the people to different parts of the globe.
The ice age was an aftermath of the Flood and the people that moved north lived in caves because of the ice. (For this take on the ice age, check out
If you read the Book of Revelation, you'll see that there will still be plenty of people here, living normally, when the Lord returns.
So I take this whole article with a grain of salt, even though there is much good sense in it about the waste of wind and solar and EVs. The premise of "billions of years" and this earth being around after people are gone is non-biblical thinking. God will create a "new heaven and a new earth".