Sep 5Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

With the wind power never being an economic move, there is too much distraction from the reality that wind is only intermittent and the machinery breaks down frequently. If there is no electricity generation the cost is a moot point. To distribute wind farms widely to attempt to minimize wind variations, there would be many times more wind farms than planned. So the ridiculousness of the effort is multiplied by the limitations of tree basic characteristics of wind. This is truly a fools folly being promoted by hucksters taking free government handouts,

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Sep 5Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Very well put.

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Sep 5Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

We now know that wind droughts and the ABC of intermittent energy eliminate the possibility of running on wind and solar power.

Let's stop confusing and distracting people with lengthy pieces that may lead to the same conclusion.

We have a concise and conclusive message that school children should be able to understand. So put it out there and direct our efforts to the next big thing, the exit plan from net zero!

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Sep 5Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Good idea - but could you elaborate on the best way to get folks to understand this?

Someone said "Everyone is ignorant - just in different areas."

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Sep 6Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Don't forget the environmental damage caused to existing marine life during the field analysis, construction and even after completion of the structures. Try maintaining these monstrosities without negatively impacting the biota which the proclamation by the Joetatohead dictates??

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The Net Zero Exit! Love it!

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