I watched the beginning of the video. If I have time, I'd like to watch all of it and make time bookmarks that describe the different aspects of the devastating construction and environmental destruction. When I consider that it's all for no good purpose, since intermittent energy hurts the grid more than it helps, it sickens me. My grandfather was a guide in the Adirondacks and I always wanted to be a forest ranger. Emotional appeals like this video will be more effective than all the facts we can present, because woke people don't care about facts - but this will open their eyes.

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Thanks, Thomas, for passing this on. As a former resident of NY State, I'm especially interested in what's happening. 1st reaction - I'm baffled by the chart of material intensity - it doesn't show any cement used for offshore wind - surely a great oversight - or maybe it was so far off the chart it couldn't be shown - offshore wind needs tons and tons and tons of concrete to support those massive turbine towers.

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How anybody with the ability to think critically could believe this is a good idea illustrates how NYS elected officials are either a) completely corrupt and/or b) are total morons.

I’m sure the correct answer is closer to “both.”

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