Sep 15Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

You can’t trust the cackling concubine - she’s a liar. Her last several decades have been working against what she says today and the flip flop on everything from the last 4-1:2 years is just to get by the election so she can turn again and impose dictatorial communist rule. Walz on the other hand is a true grifter and more than happy to take the puppeteer control directive. Truly a disgusting pair.

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Sep 15Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The essay hits on all what is wrong about whom the DNC is putting up for president and that would happen if nobody else wanted the job or was still alive to run against her.

As a business owner; "would she be qualified?". That which Is always the question and I don't believe there is a on the job training program for POTUS.

The answer is a resounding - no.

So, the question now is - "why".

Why on earth would this individual be so favorable to a more liberal side of America's political spectrum? A singular conclusion is that it has nothing to do with the magnanimous responsibilities facing our international deficits or the qualifications. Rather for the base of her bewildering constituents. It's profoundly clear that the only logical explanation is that she'd be the first woman president in America's history. The first woman president would fulfill every W.O.W. members from as far back as the 60's & 70's entire purpose. Regardless of the consequences of the facts that she's deplorably unqualified. And that deduction is clearly notable by her performance as the vice president.

Therefore it's nonsensical to assume that she should ever have anything further to do with the United States Government, now or in the future.

Kamala, yer - fired.

As for the VP select - Tim Walz. The only thing to say about that is:

"Are you fkn kidding us ⁉️" But I do believe ringling brothers circus is always looking for new talent in the clown department. From what we've seen so far, he's definitely qualified.

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