Are you saying methane does not oxidizes to new never before on earth water vapor and formaldehyde in what us above extremely exothermic reaction?



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There is nothing vague in that government piece, and there was a release of info just last week giving the current ppm. Go do some research as to what is was prior to 1972 and how much it has increased.

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It's amazing how far reaching are the consequences of the wrong thinking on a simple but erroneous concept - that global warming is an existential threat, and that CO2 and methane emissions are the cause and so must be stopped, which amounts to stopping all life if carried to the extreme.

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We are the carbon they want to eliminate! But no they can't do that - we are their funding mechanism.

They have been working on farming for years now - first PETA and now everyone else has jumped on the bandwagon!

Bill Gates and his "in the test tube" cronies can't make money unless we farmers go away!

They are already succeeding in taking the land - through wind and solar energy - that land will never be really productive again! Then there is 30x30...... and on and on..... will not stop! Until they are gone! But it's like the Walking Dead series another one just pops up!

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Hillbilly Elegy addresses these foundations and so does Woke Inc. It is disgraceful how they are operated and use the tax exempt status to harm mankind. Certainly not the spirt of teaching except imo.

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Brought to you by the oil and gas industry who has made Earth a permanent methane sieve and want to divert attention away from its leaks, my opinion. Did you know we have less cows on earth now than before the year 1982 when there was no global warming problem? We do have a problem. But cows are not it.

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Right, we need meat and cows are not a problem. But you're being a little hard on oil and gas. Like any big industry, they often try to cover up any problems they create - however, they are doing quite a bit to stop methane leaks, and should be commended for that.

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They somehow managed to restrict a government request to fix their areas to only sixty feet from the borehole, which is laughable because of horizontal drilling.

Their leaks go out for hundreds of miles. Not only is the initial line involved. They make a substance called methane hydrate with their copious use of fresh water in the deep earth. Methane hydrates can collect an enormous amount of heat, up to an equivalent Kelvin to 438 degrees F when released. That is their limit. When they reach it, they dissociate with tremendous force to rival a nuclear explosion. It blows apart our bedrock and leaves a permanent methane leaking sieve.

That methane is reaking havoc with our atmosphere. Its byproducts are initially brand new never before on earth water vapor, which is directly responsible for our flooding rains, searing heat, drying areas, and dying crops. The water and methane and heat released do not go in the same direction. And a good deal of the hydrocarbons they are unleashing winds up in formation of new, never before seen, weird, atmosphereic hydrocarbon aerosols that no one has yet gleaned a clue about.

They have no intention of stopping methane use as their fuel of choice for the future of everything, including gas. In case you have not noticed, the industry is investing millions in renovations gas stations, something they would not be doing if they did not intend to use them for a very long time.

I think they think they can continue until the world's kerogen containing shale has been dissolved. Perhaps by then they will learn to chemically upgrade other shales to be usable too. They will not stop until it is all gone. They are thinking, I am thinking, that they can fix everything after it is gone and they have to stop. Their own estimate is 50 years. I disagree.

They are wearing the proverbial rose colored glasses. It is a mind boggling amount of money and power for them. And they have made sure, the prevailing media is guided in the right direction, blaming carbon dioxide, not methane.

I mean really, 80 percent of our excess CO2 is from methane oxidation. It, the current climate story, is such a a giggle. The press does not report it. The press allowed gaggles of outside, so call experts to come in and report on this. Not so brilliant craftsmanship on the press's part, but, the industry is as every bit as brilliant as their hubris is grand We need to look at our earth spin,and increasing earthquakes problem, (from 1860s), as directly related to their practices.

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Sep 16Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

A completely unproven and controversial statement:

[methane is] "directly responsible for our flooding rains, searing heat, drying areas, and dying crops"

As I said before, you're much too hard on the oil and gas industry, and I don't like to see irresponsible hyperbole.

One technical question that I do have: Do you have confirmation that the methane released during fracking escapes to the surface?

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Sir Are you saying the oil and gas industry is used not admit to leaks.


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Sep 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I don’t understand your question - the wording doesn’t make sense. I checked your link - it’s vague as to how much more than 1% methane released.

In the meantime, perhaps this will cheer you up - a couple college guys in Texas are using flared gas instead of letting it go into the atmosphere.


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