Sep 16Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

We need President Trump back in power. He is an Energy First President. He is pro coal.

America has railroads running across America, from the coal mine locations to every city. AI is becoming the next major trend and it requires a lot of electricity (alongside all the EV's) The solar and wind farms are nowhere near the city locations where all this electricity is needed.

America has to get out of debt and not further into it with more "stupid produced" electricity and miles more high tension power lines.

Smaller (300 to 500 MW) coal fired power plants can be constructed very near to a rail spur line in an area close to a large electrical substation. At this capacity they can ramp up & down pretty nice, similar to a natural gas power plant. Coal power plants with today's technology can operate almost as clean as a natural gas power plant.

Natural gas is good but it takes a lot to get the natural gas moved to these locations if it is not yet there. It's not going to be all that many more years when the existing solar and wind farms need to be completely refurbished, and what will that all entail and cost?

We have better options.

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Sep 14Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thank you Dick Storm. I know all of this, but it is an excellent synopsis. We need more CO2, not less. The CO2 cult will destroy America‘a automobile industry and force us into Chinese EVs for no impact at all on CO2 levels. Poverty and suffering will be widespread. Ughhhh!

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Lots of good information here!

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Excellent read and one of my favorites by far.

My key takeaways:

The “energy transition” as utility companies keep referring to it, is the energy industry equivalent of “gender affirming care.”

Let’s take a healthy human body and mutilate it to make someone temporarily happy while the “medical professionals” advocating for it stuff their wallets with each procedure performed.

Rather, let’s take a healthy electric grid and remove coal plants, i.e., “the organs,” from it and try to tell everyone it’s necessary for our future and our survival.

Christmas Eve 2022 I thought would be the wake-up call that was necessary to give PJM and NERC the ammunition they needed to put a stop to this nonsense. We were in the middle of one of those storms referred to as a bomb cyclone and West Virginia’s two coal plants, Harrison and Pleasants Power Stations, exported 5,000 MW of excess power to surrounding areas that were otherwise delinquent. If I recall, this was the same time Duke Energy was subjecting customers to rolling blackouts.

It’s both infuriating and unfortunate to that nothing will likely be done until Washington is pitch black, and even then, they won’t call a spade a spade. Still, as someone who proudly works in this industry, I am confident there will be a day of reckoning.

Excellent work as always, Mr. Shepstone.

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Dick Storm is terrific!

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

“ America has No energy policy only a decarbonization policy ” says it all. And to make it clear, the purpose if the climate cult is ti create a dictatorial communist government with the self appointed elites in charge.

Time to wake up - these people are evil.

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thank you Thomas! I appreciate your posting this. The public needs to know the harm being inflicted on our country by misguided Democrat policies. You are doing your part in improving Energy IQ of the voters.

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Thanks, Dick, for providing the material!

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Nailed it as always! Keep spreading the word and with a little luck and some power outages voters and politicians will get educated!

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