May 26Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Toronto, Ontario ( Canada ) has introduced chaotic bile lanes on major streets. Essentially by removing parking for businesses. " Near misses " between pedestrians and cyclists are increasing ( intrepid reporter data ). And they're surprisingly under utilized in Canada's winters.

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May 26Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

No debates. We need to learn how to shout climate morons down.

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Outlaw bicycles.

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May 26Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I live in Portland and the idiots here have cut down several of the main commuting streets from 4 lanes to two. So all us people are stuck in terrible traffic and the huge bike lanes are almost empty. I don't mind sharing the road and having a decent size bike lane but a whole car lane? Screw that.

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May 26Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I live in a fully envirocrazed city. They've put in bike lanes on some streets, but not on the really busy streets where they might make a diffeence. A few Fancy Cyclists, with thousand dollar racing bikes and spandex costumes, use the lanes. Most two-wheelers are kids on skateboards and e-scooters, and they use the sidewalks.

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May 26Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

As a cyclist, I have a beef with stupid drivers as well as stupid bicyclists. It is not the presence of bike lanes that is the problem, it is the presence of stupidity. Bikes on sidewalks should be prosecuted with prejudice. Bikes on urban streets are vehicles with a legal right to be there and should be accorded due respect by drivers of other vehicles, or said drivers should be prosecuted with prejudice.

Urban cycling has its own logistical challenges like showers, bike storage, weather and the like. However, it should be accommodated and breakers of the law prosecuted. Sad fact is that the cities mentioned don't prosecuted for any crime except dissention against the Regime, so I suspect the idiocy will continue. Cheers.

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Great observations!

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