To attain credibility, one must never use the phrase "fossil fuels", because there's no such thing.

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Not to worry! As long as socialist countries like Mexico nationalize the petroleum industry, advances like fracking will be held at bay. Due to mismanagement and corruption, little fracking has developed in Mexico. When an independent developer tries to drill a fracking well his pipe is stolen. Cartels in the northern provinces demand “ protection money from oilmen or they will be disappeared. Needless to say Mexican gas has declined.

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Makes me feel good about my little 1 acre reforestation project.

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Yes this article is fabulous!!I have shared this with my group as we are fighting every day to repeal the VCEA( IN Virginia) but many other states, in our groups, will know about these articles.The Earth has been designed to work for all of us if we just let it.So many lies have been told but thanks to Mr Shepstone we are learning more every day.The public needs to be educated .The more people I share these articles with the more come back to me in tears thanking me for sharing these wonderful articles.!!We work better as a team with the strength of real data!!

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Fantastic! Scandalously, I strongly doubt mainstream media will show any of these!!!.

I would love to see a serious debate about Climate Change on the BBC with great scientists like Nobel Prize winner John Clauser attending who said "I assert that there is no connection whatsoever between CO2 and climate change. Is all a crock of crap in my opinion" who once proved Einstein wrong about something. Also in attendance a financial expert to explain to the nation that Renewables subsidies that we never agreed to are costing us 30% of our electricity bills for 15 years + (From a FOI request), and how its all a con/scam to get our money using their modelling doomsday predictions which are rubbish.

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