Jul 1Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

If there is not a major criminal investigation of the so-called law fare used against President Trump and his advisers and supporters since 2015 the republic dies. This needs to include Obama, DOJ, FBI, CIA and all involved individuals which is definitely in the hundreds counting the 51 “intelligence officials”.

With the massive undertaking by elected and appointed Democrats abusing their power in the judicial system manufacturing crimes they definitely need criminal accountability or the republic ceases to exist. This will require a Special Prosecutor with hundreds of prosecutors. Do Republicans have the courage to save the republic from Democrat party determined to corrupt the judicial system for political gain targeting political opponents?

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Jul 1Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The last big anti-scientific fossil fuel trial ended when the eco-griters were exposed fabricating evidence and suborning perjury. If the energy industry doesn't wake up and soon, they will not be so fortunate in the future.

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Jul 1Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

There are civil (non-criminal) RICO statutes in many states. Any private attorney can bring them for damages and injunctions. Some have treble damages clauses and attorneys fees. Also the general populace might want to know that intentional torts such as assault and battery can be brought against assailants by the victims for damages of many sorts, including punitive damages. These judgments are generally non-dischargeable in bankruptcy and last for twenty years. Sue the shoplifters and thieves in conversion, the muggers and violent protesters for assault and battery, and ask for punitive damages. There is also a cause of action for wrongful interference with a contract, perhaps against protesters who prevent companies from delivering their products or prevent customers have entering a store. Be aware that if a party has obtained an injunction against a protester or a mugger or a thief, then a motion to punish for contempt of court (i.e. failure to obey a valid court order) can be brought by the party who obtained the injunction. The hearing does not have a jury, there are no miranda rights, and the court can send the person immediately to jail and fine them. The amount of the fines are in the discretion of the judge. And are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Indeed these swords are two sided.

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Thanks, Chris!

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Jul 1Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Does the end of the Chevron deference also impact sue and settle? Also on a lighter note I’m reminded of Sam Kinison screaming ‘ you live in a desert!!!!!! ‘

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Don't now but I suspect so, at least to some extent.

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