Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The small island of sanity in California's energy policies is Governor Newsom's understanding that the lights cannot go out during his tenure, or he will suffer the political fate of Gray Davis. I believe that is the reason why he pushed through SB 846 in 2022, which extended Diablo Canyon Power Plant's (DCPP's) life at least until 2030, despite the apparent desires of Berkshire Hathaway Energy's (BHE's) PacifiCorp to shut down DCPP for their commercial benefit. (There is already data supporting the perspective that when San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) was needlessly shut down at the end of January, 2012, two BHE subsidiaries (PacifiCorp and NV Energy) saw significant power sales increases. The Democrat-controlled legislature recently tried to revisit the DCPP decision, but Governor Newsom held them at bay. ) Those interested in the details may visit CGNP's GreenNUKE Substack at https://greennuke.substack.com/ . CGNP's political leadership to keep DCPP running has been significant. Please also visit the Californians for Green Nuclear Power website at https://CGNP.org

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