Jul 29Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thanks - many good points. What is all this turmoil for, anyway? Who wants intermittent power? What we need is just the opposite - steady round-the-clock power, as provided by coal, gas, and nuclear.

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Jul 28Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I love this article - yes so many so called environmentalists have forgotten or don't know how much of the environment they are destroying with so called "green" energy - there is no energy green or clean and therefor it is unsustainable! Except for the dollars - the largest transfer of wealth ever from the taxpayers tot he elites!

I have been fighting to save our environments here for years now and recently have had to take on the mantle of being a NIMBY, as a wind farm threatens our community - oh the joys of living in fly over country! And the greed of developers - who have bought up land cheap hoping to make a killing on green energy, or a major subdivision! In this case a win developer will attempt to stitch together thousands of acres for a proposed wind farm over 3 counties!

Further south of me 60,000 to 80,000 acres are now being covered in solar fields - the devastation is well underway and the future will bring all the predictions we warned about.

I love it that they are always doing studies - it's such an ongoing process and a good one to throw in our faces. No real resolutions just studies to keep the minions happy!

I found a study done in 2004 on West Texas wind farms - not good for the wind industry - so link now gone - that's 20 years ago! Where were the environmentalists then?

Now we have 36 GW of wind operational here in Texas - that's about 12,000 wind turbines at 3MW. We have 230,000 acres of operational solar now and growing daily , with 1.5 million more acres planned in the next couple of years. Our best farmland is being destroyed and no one seems to care! No regulations - no consequences!

And you know once they are regulated those regulations will be written by the solar companies - just like the bill proposed by Sen. Kohlkorst - SB 624! This bill gave 200 ft. setback for solar and 3,000 for wind - NOT ENOUGH! Especially when it took away many other rights and gave them the right of eminent domain, should they ever want to go down that road! It also gave them the right to claim ag exemption on solar land - if they run a few sheep on it!

I already know of one solar farm here in Texas doing that, I am sure there are more - they never want to pay their fair share of taxes!

When will people waken up!! Ok my rant for Sunday morning over.....

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