First of all, there is no such thing as "Fossil Fuels" since fossils by definition are a collection of inorganic minerals that replaced the hardened cell walls of an organisms structure.

Second, Wind and Solar are not "Renewable" since they rely on the access to conventional fuels and extraction of ores for their creation.

Conversion of organic waste from Municipal, Agricultural and Landfill sources are Truly Renewable since you are helping close the loop on naturally occuring Methane production that is supposedly a far more potent climate altering gas.

Thirdly, we need to publicly skewer politicians and climate alarmists who are ignorant on how science actually works and disassemble their fear porn factories via common sense. These people are destroying our country and should be treated as traitors. The Enemy is truly from Within.

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👊it! Take away refrigeration for 1 day and watch the uninformed get really active….. you can insert nearly everyday product/service and get the same results

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