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Jul 2Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The statement, “The worse, the better,” is often attributed to Lenin, although there is scant evidence he ever said it. What it means is that, if what you want is a worldwide Communist revolution, then the Great Depression, World War II, and, in general, disruption and chaos are all good things.

I suggest we are now at a “The worse, the better,” moment regarding energy policy in the West. Our corrupt, incompetent Nomenklatura, with no understanding of the science and engineering involved, is leading us over a cliff, shutting down reliable energy sources with an impossible goal of running a 21st century economy with windmills and solar panels. The very institutions that should be sounding the alarm, our news media and academia, are 100% on board with this hopeless project. I’m afraid we are going to have to start seeing the consequences of this madness, the blackouts, the unemployment, the freezing in the dark, before people wake up.

And when we do wake up, we need to remember who did this to us and make sure they pay for it.

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