Jun 23Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

This is the reason why Florida is the state of choice for the people who are leaving deep blue states like California and New York in droves.

I have to admit though that I’m just a wee bit leery about some of the people moving to Florida who are said to be bringing CA and NY ideologies with them. According to my in-laws who live in Florida, that’s what’s happening; some of the newcomers are championing ideas that ran CA and NY straight into the ground.


I promise I’m not trying to paint all people moving to Florida in a bad light because what DeSantis has done here is indeed a big win, and this benefits everyone living in Florida. I just worry for my in-laws because aside from work being the original reason they moved to Florida years ago, DeSantis’s governing is why they are staying there. They are retired now and like almost all retirees, they live on a fixed income and I just want them to be able to live comfortably like they have been.

Good work yet again, Mr. Shepstone!

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Jun 23Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I'm glad DeSantis gave up his foolish quest for the presidency. He can do a lot more good in Florida, by providing an economic attractor for businesses. States that want to keep their own businesses and wealthy investors will need to change their own laws to reduce the "gradient" of attraction. A president couldn't accomplish any of this. Congress and courts and bureaucrats would instantly halt or subvert every attempt to do the right thing.

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