Excellent article. I invest in the data center sector and can confirm the number 1 issue is the impending power crunch. Given the geopolitical concerns around nuclear proliferation (and the origins of SMR technologies in US/UK navies) I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the potential (or lack thereof) for SMRs / FBRs to be sold to the developing world. Aside from AI DC electricity growth, growth in energy demand for the 'bottom 7 billion' is where additional electricity demand will come from over the next 20 - 30 years.

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Excellent - I'm all for nuclear power, whether it's full scale plants or SMRs or Fast Neutron reactors.

Typo - 2nd paragraph. "continuous and interruptible" - I think you meant continuous and uninterruptible?

I always appreciate when someone helps me fix my booboos, so I hope you feel the same and take no offense.

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I will correct! Thank you!

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Personally I think we should limit AI. Problem solved

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I agree. WHY do they need all that data? If I want them to know something about me, I'll tell them... otherwise stay the hell out of my business.

Who is protecting us from them? NO ONE. I'm not comfortable with all the AI, Cloud etc. We're reminded daily by the media or our own banks, CCs etc that they can't keep that stuff secure.

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