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At last! 35+ yrs after Hansen raised the Global Warming hysteria which gave birth to the UN IPCC and Al Gore's flat out lies which ensured he would never have to worry about money ever. Hansen and Holdren were appointed by Obama to gradually destroy the integrity of NOAA, NASA and the EPA and throw the world into a impossible "green" recycling spin. This gave birth to the wind turbines and solar panels which would control the non existent "climate disasters" that would destroy our way of life 😆. Germany was the first to adopt renewables then along came Fukushima and the Germans shut down their only hope of consistent power. 90% of the world, including Europe and the USA followed suit and "net zero" was born. All the while massive world wide environmental NGOs and some of the wealthiest people on the planet backed the lie of climate change and the mantra "if only we could eliminate fossil fuels"? China, Russia and India, meanwhile burned billions of tons of coal and are starting to install nuclear power. Now 150+ scientists are going against the grain? With apologies to CFACT, CEI, CO2 Coalition, Heritage, GWPF, NetZeroWatch etc.

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