Sep 24Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Democratic party of freedom wants CAGW denial to be a crime (Walz).

Real criminals are the bellicose, screeching, fearmongers and their bogus GHE.

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

Here’s what I know.


Water vapor, clouds, ice, snow create 30% albedo which makes the Earth cooler not warmer.

W/o GHE there is no water and Earth goes lunarific, a barren rock ball, 400 K lit side, 100 K dark refuting a warming GHE.

“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic and ubiquitous clones don’t balance plus violate LoT.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render a surface black body and it’s “extra” upwelling GHE energy impossible.

GHE is bogus and CAGW a scam so alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The climate freaks will not believe this. But I sure do!

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

An effect of Global Greening that is often overlooked is that with more green plants on the planet the carbon cycle is more robust. Carbon gets recycled more quickly. When the Carbon-14 in the atmosphere spiked from above ground nuclear tests a clear signal of how quickly Carbon is removed from the atmosphere was observed and a half-life of atmospheric CO2 of between 5 and 10 years was calculated. The half-life of CO2 is now thought to be even less, in part from Global Greening.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Learn more about CO2


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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I’m curious if there are any particular countries who employ greenhouse farming at scale?

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Hi Chatter. Look at Holland and all of their greenhouses. Every greenhouse there does CO2 Dosing. That is taking the CO2 from their natural gas boilers combusted exhaust, and with a fan - blowing that combusted exhaust ( CO2 ) into their greenhouses.

This is also a common practice for all the large commercial greenhouse operations here in North America ( Canada and USA ) There are times of the day where the dosed CO2 numbers drop because the vegetable plants (tomatoes or cucumbers or peppers) are absorbing the CO2 so fast that the greenhouse growers are purchasing liquid CO2 and injecting that into the greenhouses, because it pays in increased production.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

That’s what I was thinking. I was also wondering about Iceland. You would think that countries that use this technology might NOT be so enthusiastic about the “worry” of CO2….seeing as they are it as a direct positive in their agriculture.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Vijay, one correction to the excellent observation that increased CO2 is saving lives, not costing lives. Plants that use the C3 photosynthesis pathway are actually more sensitive to CO2 levels than those that utilize the C4 photosynthesis pathway. The benefits of rising CO2 levels are even more important for C3 crops, which is most of what we eat, and includes all trees and woody plants. We came very close to the greatest mass extinction even in Earth’s history in 15,000 BC. CO2 levels dropped to 180 ppm. And C3 plants die at 150 ppm. Even now, we need more, not less, CO2.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

I have never been to Iceland, but anywhere in the world food is always required, and a greenhouse can produce food no matter the outside weather conditions and most of the time in greater quantities per sq. ft.

Greenhouses make financial sense and added CO2 makes dollar cents.

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