It’s possible to make nitrogen fertiliser via nuclear energy via a power-to-ammonia process, so it’s entirely feasible to transition to net zero fertiliser (e.g see Copenhagen Atomic’s MOU with TOPSOE), just the environmental movement have also rejected nuclear energy.

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With the Sri Lanka example to go buy, it is insane to me that anyone even entertains such a thing. But when you try to have a rationale discussion you get responses like "99% of scientists and all the scientific agencies on earth agree we have to do this". If you show them this isn't true they scream "denier" at you and stomp off as if they have won.

I was going to post links to cereal crop production but I see Pablo Hill has beaten me to it, I won't repeat them but urge others to click those links.

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Always remember - The people pushing the Climate Change agenda don't care about the environment, they only care about power!

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Climate : The Movie

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Agriculture inputs are nothing more than a derivative of fossil fuels, match like every thing else in our society. We notice that people explosion of population growth with great exportation of fossil fuel derivatives-notably fertilizers. See links for graphs:



And it makes sense since energy is life and any disruption or depravity to fossil fuels access will have the opposite effect of access to abundance of fossil fuels. The Haber–Bosch process is one of human kinds greatest inventions that rarely gets credit with the increase in population. It is so common place in our lives that when you go to Home Depot you do not realize that without the "bags of dirt" we will all end up like Sri Lanka.

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Thanks for spotlighting this subject.

The history of nitrogen fertilizer is fascinating,with plenty of intrique:

The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler

"A sweeping history of tragic genius, cutting-edge science, and the Haber-Bosch discovery that changed billions of lives—including your own."


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Thanks for sharing TC!

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Don't ever confuse acolytes of the Climate Hysteria Apocalypse Church with pesky things like facts.

These morons were just annoying mosquitoes buzzing in rational people's ears, but now they are in positions of power and putting in place their juvenile nonsense, real harm is being done to people.

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So well said, Christopher!

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Yes. Eliminating nitrogen fertilizers would lead to mass starvation. Insanity.

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