Jun 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The ruling class / conspiracy hates humanity and, especially humanity's desire for freedom and prosperity.

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Jun 16Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Thanks - Interesting economics. Tariffs hurt everybody and make things more expensive. "U.S. and European politicians believe that China unfairly subsidizes its carmakers." The pot calling the kettle black.

"Chinese companies dominate global EV production and the supply chain, enabling them to build more affordable cars than their Western counterparts." Sounds like Chinese production might be more efficient even if they weren't subsidized.

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Jun 16Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

Typical government circular firing squad incident. Do we think electric cars will save the planet? You bet we do! They are too expensive and nobody will buy them. Somebody can sell us cheaper ones! Somebody might buy one! The planet is saved! Ummm wait, some of our union pals might lose their jobs. Fuck the planet, we can’t allow that! We need to make them so expensive nobody will buy one.

And so it goes.

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Restrict free movement, restrict the food supply, control the energy supply. Humans are now in the zoo.

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Jun 16Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

The purpose of electric vehicles is to END availability of private vehicles, NOT to go all electric. Tyranny is the goal.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Thomas J Shepstone

BTW: Many in the ruling class will be culled just as Roman Emperors did to their ruling class. Our only hope is that elements of the ruling class realize this and over-rule the WEF conspirators by force or guile. The ruling class / conspiracy is not dependent on productivity, or, at least, so they think.

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