This proposed level of absolute government control is similar to the power government will have with CBDC (central bank digital currency), where all transactions would be monitored centrally and could have complete control over individual bank accounts with the stroke on a keyboard.

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As a sustainability consultant and long-term energy source affect expert, you will be receiving my subpoena concerning your intentional, false narrative, LIBELOUS drivel soon. Look forward to meeting you, azzwhole.

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There’s only one way to energy security and freedom. Did you see yourself or in your immediate local community. Which means, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, gravity etc etc etc.

To insinuate that fossil fuels of any kind have a connection to security and freedom is the exact 180° opposition of truth and reality. You’re really fucking bad at this.

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“Subsidies” is not the hill you want to die on. Fossil fuel entities receive the most subsidies in the history of legal tender. On a global scale, it’s currently $11 million per minute. You are one fake as fuck lying feces filled his skin bag.

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Do you have a signed the fossil fuel entity model two a legitimate and necessary, common sense better model. Either, you are extremely stupid as an extra special short buser, or you are one morally bankrupt douche canoe.

Fellating fossil fuel in the 21st-century is the most nefarious end absence of conscious untenable behavior in the history of Homo sapiens. You should be drawn, quartered and immolated on the public Square.

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Brilliantly written. It pains me to defend - even in part - Kathy Hochul. But I don't think the police reviewing social media is an all-consuming totalitarian evil. Many mass shooters - especially youngsters - broadcast their plans online before doing them. If some Islamist asshole issues a call to fellow Hamas-lovers to perform a 'spontaneous' mob attack somewhere in Manhattan, I am not against the FBI or police being able to access that.

You can bet your sweet ass if a terrorist attack happens that was declared in advance on social media, the public would be asking why in all that is holy did the police NOT know it was going to happen?

I am not downplaying the Left's love with tinpot micromanagement of our lives, nor am I defending the Davos Morons. I am saying that my partners who lived in the suburbs thought I was a genius for living five blocks away from our office at 17 State Street in lower Manhattan. My commute was a stroll along the Hudson River. Theirs involved a car to the train station, a train into the city and a subway to the office.

I was under 15 minutes from the office and for 90% of the rest of what I needed to do. It was awesome.

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