Running those AI Data Centers from CHINA is where MS, Google, Amazon, Oracle, & WEF Elites would prefer. Physics, data latency, can be overcome with $$, but profit$ would take a big hit. However, The controlling WEF Elites and China#1 running usa 2024 are against Nuclear & FF and #1 goal is usa Industrialization and energy poverty is their #1 tool. BATTLE, the $2.3 Billion / year, Anti-Nuclear DE Industrial NGO Complex ( https://robertbryce.substack.com/p/the-anti-nuclear-industry-is-a-23b ) VS MS, Google, Amazon, Oracle turning to AI to make Profit$ ??

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When the AI centers co-locate with the power centers and bypass the grid and distribution system AND use all the power 24/7 we the peons will be stuck with random electricity

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Our group here in Southern Va have been fighting the data centers rapid growth.They put the Cart Before The Horse.They never did the research necessary to power these centers with reliable energy sources.Kinda stupid.But now they may be seeing the correct moves.Almost too late!! They also consume allot of water resources but at least all of the data Centers recycle the water.At least they SAY they do.But the reliable energy are finally being seen and nuclear and LNG are now being chosen.The heavy duty power lines are still a big problem.We will keep up our fight to stop taking over private land and using eminent domain to take farmers land rights away.Good article!!Thank you

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Yes, keep up the fight! As for water use, in 2022, FB in Prineville Oregon used 240,302 cubic meters of water (63,481,073 gallons). For the uninitiated, Prineville is semi-desert. The water is used for cooling. It is recycled, but some is lost to evaporation caused by the cooling fans.


Because of Facebook’s huge water usage, they have compensated by working with the city to mutually establish an innovative water system. I contacted a city engineer:

“The data centers certainly spurred the need for an innovative solution, but due to growth we would have needed one anyway. The Aquifer Storage and Recovery System (ASR), was a mutual solution to serve everyone’s needs.”

“When our water demand as a City is low in the winter (including data centers), we pump excess capacity into our underground aquifer. During the summer months when our demand is high we have this reserve capacity if needed. This aquifer has the potential to hold ~800 million gallons above its natural level. We are currently testing its limits. So far we have not needed to pump out more than we have injected. This year will be the 5th time we have injected water over the winter. We estimate we have ~400 million stored.”

“The City as a whole uses ~700 million gallons a year (including the data centers). The majority of the water used by the data centers is during the hottest days of the summer. Their usage is extremely variable..."

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However much energy these AI companies might generate, they will still be less powerful than a liberal’s conviction to a delusional narrative.

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The big power consuming ai plants need to generate their own power instead of stressing the grid. When faced with the need for reliable power at the lowest possible cost the big power consumers select the lowest cost - same thing individual consumers want. So the big push for ‘green’ and ‘renewable’ power is exposed as a total fraud when the economic reality hits the big virtual signalers. Time for the public to wake the hell up and quit the fairy tale chase of wind and solar. They are not inexpensive nor reliable at scale. If you want them, install them at your facility or home and disconnect from the grid. The insanity has cost all of us too much already and we need to quit the il-conceived schemes.

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AI will probably save coal as well. Let's hope so, that will green the planet!

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