We Told You New York Is Squirrely and Its Department of Environmental Conservation Proves It!
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation became extremely politicized under Andrew Cuomo, who weaponized it to do the bidding of the Riockefeller family and other powers that be in the Empire State. He made a Rockefeller shill DEC Commissioner to kill fracking and then used the agency as the vehicle to torpedo various pipeline projects, including the Constitution Pipeline, which he delayed to death.
The DEC bureaucracy became a morass where all sorts of projects went to get similarly stuck in the mud until they died. All that’s needed to ruin and weaponize an agency, of course, is to get it to obsess on the process, as the great Thomas Sowell observed:
That's what's happened to New York since Andrew Cuomo, and now it's reached the point of absolute total absurdity as the New York Post and many others reported and as reflected in the following memes:
There will be hundreds more memes, of course, and they'll all be hilarious.
But, there is a serious side to the matter, too. It's reflected in the abject stupidity of someone in DEC who thought going after a squirrel keeper was somehow a priority over, say, protecting the whales in Long Island Sound from the impacts of monstrous off-shore wind turbines that not only imperil wildlife but also represent a financial fiasco for New Yorkers and a threat to energy security. Why don't we know the names of these "Karen” bureaucrats and those who told them to do this and why? Was someone special offended by Peanut humor?
It's the same sort of thing as UK police jailing citizens for speech and prayer while that nation is being overrun by illegal migrants. When police prosecute everything but crime and New York's DEC goes after squirrel rescuers instead of protecting the lives of whales, you know the culture is on the brink. It's squirrely behavior of the very worst kind.
#Squirrel #Peanut #NewYork #DEC
I said years ago... Putin for President. Now I say PNUT for President. This just explains in an Onion Headline how whacked out those in power are.
I cannot believe this actually happened. What a mess the government has created.