Walz Saying There Is No Guarantee of Free Speech Tells Us We Will Soon Be Prevented from Challenging the Climate Narrative
Free speech is under relentless attack by elites. Listen to Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s choice for her Vice-President, should she be elected:
Pay attention, too, to what’s happening in the UK as the current Prime Minister is engaged in a war with Elon Musk who is allowing X users to communicate their disgust with the UK’s unrestricted invasion and the rape and death culture it has yielded. The UK will now jail you for Facebook posts it doesn’t like and even reTweets. And, Canada’s pretty boy leader wants a law that will similarly imprison anyone not toeing the government line on anything.
That’s going to include climate talk, as our elites are well tired of those of us who keep questioning the approved narrative. Here, in fact, is what I got when I searched “restrictions on climate disinformation” on Duck Duck Go:
Yes, Western elites are desperate to stop us from talking about climate. They need to maintain the narrative that is so essential to their power and the Big Green Grift. If you’re not worried by what Tim Walz, a Vice-Presidential candidate, is saying and what could come here next you’re naive. We are on the verge of entering a great darkness where unapproved messages and communications will have to delivered in secret to avoid being jailed. The UN demands we stop “suggesting actions that are not in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.”
The UN also brags that “Two years ago, there were no policies on climate misinformation on tech platforms. There are now climate misinformation policies across most of them, other than X, formerly known as Twitter.” Fortunately, Musk’s X is trending toward more free speech at the moment but it’s not just the UK that’s putting immense pressure on him and the others to conform to the company line.
Free speech, the only thing between tryanny and liberty, is also losing popularity because no one is being taught the virtues anymore. The Constitution, as a result, has become largely useless, not only with respect to free speech, but also the right to a speedy trial, equal justice and the privacy of one’s home. It’s all disappearing as extremists masquerading as moderates — people such as Tim Walz — no longer even feel it necessary to give it lip service.
Listen to Walz again. He actually says out loud that free speech is a threat to democracy; a complete inversion of what the Constitution is supposed to be all about. This is how far we’ve fallen. Can we get up? I really don’t know. The decline of the West is nothing less than massive. If fully realized, and we’re 95% of the way there already, we might as well all live in China where the CCP controls every aspect of our lives. Walz, of course, is a China lover, having taught school there, honeymooned there and made some 30 trips to the country since then. It appears he loves not only the country and people, but also the communism, which he wants to bring here.
And, we’re close. Biden, Obama, Harris or somewhere else among those running the White House put Tulsi Gabbard, a military veteran and Congresswoman, on the terror watch list a day after she destroyed Kamala Harris in one of her commentaries. Biden refused to give RFK, Jr. Secret Service protection out of spite until embarrassed by Trump into doing it. We have out-of-control judges and courts. We have political prisoners galore. We have a deep state that is so corrupt no trusts it and elected officials fear it. It’s modern-day Stasi, in fact.
The deep irony, though, is that such an empire, if fully realized, will quickly devour the ones who brought it about. It always goes that way. Communism and socialism are unnatural and people always have to be kept in line, which means the strong man dictator type invariably rises to the top almost immediately, quickly followed by a purge to get rid of any and all competition. Thus, the sympathizers who brought forward the terrible idea are the first consumed by it. A fellow such as Walz would be at the head of the line going nowhere but down.
Can we yet stop this? I believe so because we see revolts against the elites everywhere, but the first line of defense must be free speech. Without that we’re doomed. So, let us all fight for it!
#China #CCP #FreeSpeech #UK #X #Walz #Harris #West
This guy just lies down for his Masters. It’s easier than working!