Turning Off the UK and the Rest of the West in Pursuit of Elitist Control by Rationing of Electricity
Katie Hopkins is a very funny UK commentator on life and politics. She’s fairly known on this side of the Big Pond, too, and can be outrageously harsh when it comes to exposing the nonsense being pushed upon us by elites.
She just put a quite restrained commentary on the subject of electricity rationing, though, and it’s very good. It explains what’s happening in the UK and, indeed, the rest of the West as our power is slowly, almost imperceptibly, being withdrawn from us.
We are being forced to electrify at the very same time we are throwing away the most reliable means of generating electricity. This can be no coincidence and it means inevitable rationing and the slow shutting down of modern civilization as we know it. She also offers a little practical advice towards the end.
I would only add that, if one has a lot large enough, the sensible thing to do as a precaution, and the defense of one’s own energy security, is to install a propane fueled generator with enough fuel to last for very extended periods. I plan to do so. How about you?
#Electricity #UK #UnitedStates #West #Rationing #KatieHopkins
And if you don't want to move, stockpile wood and animal dung to anticipate a ban on household generators.
My advice to mainland Australians is to get a diesel generator or move to Tasmania where they have a lot of hydro!