Geoff of Geoff Buys Cars has a nice little 3-minute video out comparing the cost and value of EVs with internal combustion engines. He did four different road trip challenges with an EV owner and friend of his, the latest of which is profiled in this series of videos. The video below neatly summarizes the results:
I particularly like what an under the weather and somewhat cynical Geoff points out at the end, that being it’s obvious elites want us off the roads altogether and out of the way. Forcing us into EVS that make traveling and owning a car downright unappealing, is the feature, not the bug.
#EVs #Climate #Cars #InternalCombustionEngines #ICE
Trouble with getting rid of the carbon that we are... is that, where do they the money from -- but maybe by then they will have taken everything we can give and more...
ICE for me.... I don't want to sit atop a firebomb, ticking time bomb, or what ever - but most of all I don't want someone else telling me what you can and can't buy - my wallet does that for me and I don't like that either!!!
To the less-than-enlightened consumer, EVs are a promise of a bright, wonderful Kumbaya future. To the globalists forcing them down society's throat, EVs are a form of economic warfare targeting fossil fuel producers and the energy infrastructure that's built on them. As such, EVs don't have to live up to their promise and once enough of them are sold such that irreparable damage is done to the fossil fuel producers, everyone -- even those less-than-enlightened folks -- will realize that a promise isn't necessarily anything more than a promise and that when globalists say they want to rid society of privately owned vehicles, we ought to believe them! Don't be a useful idiot. Don't aid and abet our enemies by helping them to lock away our nation's limitless energy resources! Do not purchase an EV!