This is a wonderful video from Dr. Lars Schernikau, who is “an energy economist, entrepreneur, commodity trader, and author” according to the website where in promotes his book titled “The Unpopular Truth About Electricity and the Future of Energy.” He thoroughly explains what was wrong about the German Energiewende and why it inevitably failed spectacularly.
There are many practical observations offered by Schernikau and it’s well worth your time!
#Schernikau #Energy #Solar #Wind #Germany #UnpopularTruth
And it has become a cult supporting the anti human activity of anti ‘fossil fuels.’
There is nothing to replace the broad spectrum of commodities, products, and benefits to mankind if coal, lignite, oil, and natural gas gas. The astounding misunderstanding by ‘green’ supporters is that the so called renewables are intense users of hydrocarbons in their production and manufacture. But nobody ever accused the leftwingnut libtard greenies of superior intelligence, but they are accomplished grifters.
Thank you Thomas, appreciated
Much to be discussed
More details here