Anyone who has read Lenin in Zurich or any of Solzhenitsyn’s Red Wheel grasps what’s happening today and the fuel that’s been added to the fire by the incompetent and compromised puppet, Joe Biden. Oh, there are many others involved and directing things, but America, prior to Biden, was enough of a bulwark to stymy much of the ever-advancing movement toward totalitarianism and hold it back a bit. Not so, today. The action’s taken under Biden represent an attack on all fronts; on energy security, free speech and Constitutional government.
What makes the assault Leninist is the way it’s being conducted and its desired ends. Lenin was a psychopath, of course, a fanatic driven by a nihilistic desire to destroy everything as a means of exerting personal control over all. He was content to accept an utterly demolished kingdom to at least have one he could call his own. He was driven by incredible hate for every thing and every one.
Lenin also keenly understood compromise was the manner in which normal people interacted and, while he always rejected it in the end, he would use it as a means of advancing his personal cause in the interim. He was a hard negotiator who would, bit by bit, get his opponents to surrenders points until there was nothing more to debate and then walk away, never having had any intentions whatsoever of making deals.
That’s exactly what Joe Biden’s controllers have done with him on issue after issue. Consider, the Inflation Reduction Act, which we addressed a little in today’s earlier post. The whole thing was a gigantic spending scheme and plan to destroy fossil fuels and, with it, our energy security.
The Bidenistas threw a pipeline bone to Joe Manchin, while undermining every single thing for which the Senator said he stood. And, like any good leftist, he sacrificed himself for the party, which is more important than God, family or country. The players pulling the strings are getting exactly what they want: more and forever tightening control and the opportunity to grift and profit from it.
Indeed, the globalist elites are on a temporary roll, but it will all end in disaster for them because nihilism leads nowhere but down. The only question is whether we let them take us down with them. No one can know for sure but I’m hopeful they won’t. Why?
Well, consider what happened in Sri Lanka when a crazed leader accept the advice of an even more crazed advisor to give up fertilizer as a tactic to combat global warming. It was not just a disaster, but a wholly unmitigated one…at first. The result was a revolt that send the leader running to another nation to seek asylum and a completely new an rational government that quickly restored sanity.
Something of the same order has happened in the Netherlands, where another leader from the ranks of the elites cultured by the World Economic Forum and European Union decided to go after highly successful Dutch farmers to stop them from using and producing nitrogen, once again in the name of fighting global warming that is anything but a crisis.
He took it on the chin in one set of elections but held firm in his plan to ignore the tractors (as instructed by the EU), only to be thrown overboard himself in the next election. Granted, Europe’s migration situation had a lot to do with it, too, but that was a product of the same thinking by the same supposed experts assigned to manage the destiny of all the once free European nations.
Yes, there is massive rejection of these globalist elite experts everywhere around the globe. The Great Reset has met the Great Resist as others have observed. It’s happening in Italy, France, Argentina and Germany. The West still has life and it’s in the hands and minds of ordinary citizens who now see through what the COVID response and the global warming crusade have been all about, what the elites’ experts want to do with us while pretending to do such good things for us. The truth is exploding everywhere despite forceful attempts by the deep state, Big Media and Big Tech to squash it.
And, the more the Biden administration tries to kill oil and gas with mandates to force us out of gas appliances and into EVs, the greater the resistance will grow. The people see and smell the fraud. They understand all the efforts to destroy oil and gas, agriculture as we know it and everything else critical to civil society is an evil con. They sense it’s all about controlling them. It’s also dawning on them that it’s no accident that the whole thing is overloading the grid, that EVs are a con and that the ultimate goal is, as Scrooge suggested, to “reduce the surplus population” and make serfs out of the rest.
Will the Great Resist succeed? We can’t know but the signs are good at the moment. The people of America are not the people of Russia in 1917 when Lenin returned from Zurich. They have actually enjoyed freedom and see it being taken away from them a little bit every day.
They are not about to succumb to the dark, hateful vision of the Biden administration and the global elites who only want to be done with the common man or turn him into a slave for them.
They recognize the inherent lie of the great reset, which is that man can be happy without owning anything. Ownership of the fruit of one’s labor is basic to civil society and no one is going to sacrifice it without a fight.
#CivilSociety #Lenin #GreatReset #GreatResist #Scrooge
It is not just the Biden elites. Obama and his supporters have dominated the Democrat party so much that it now is beginning to mirror the Soviet Union. There is no future for any Dem to object just ask Joe Mansion.
If we don’t retake our government we will look like the USSR or China
If you hear or read "for the Greater Good" or 'collective' or 'property is evil' or anything sounding like that, remember that in the end it all means that "some animals are more equal than others".
Orwell read today seems even more relevant than when he wrote it.