Peter Robinson is a long-form interviewer and, in May of last year, he interviewed his colleague Victor Davis Hanson, a classical historian, political commentator, and farmer from the San Joaquin Valley breadbasket area of central California.
I did some work there a dozen years ago or so and was astonished at the depth and breadth of the area’s agriculture, its beauty, and also its economic challenges. I took the photo below of unending rows of almond trees to the horizon, for instance:
If you’ve once heard or read anything from Hanson, more than likely, you want to hear or read more. Robinson’s interview with him at his farm is superb as he relates his life story and choices.
The video below, though, is set to begin with what I believe to be the most important part of Victor’s remarks. They’re about working the land, the joys and tragedies of it, autonomy, elitism, and what’s wrong with Western civilization today. It’s about 14 minutes and chock-full of wisdom.
Victor Davis Hanson is a remarkable man. His humility, though, is what inspires.
#VictorDavisHanson #California #Farming #Land #Elitism #Autonomy
What a terrific interview. So spot on! Thanks for sharing.