Guest Post by Robert Bradley, Jr. at Master Resource.
Are you profiled in the DeSmog database? Please consider nominating yourself with a message (per their invitation). Please provide quotations about your views about climate alarmism and forced energy transformation. Describe the anti-economic, anti-ecological features of wind, solar, and batteries. And explain why your views are part of the great debate. (DeSmog’s categories are Stance on Climate Change, Key Quotes, and Key Deeds.)
Their database is nearing one thousand! With hundreds more profiles, what began as a “disinformer” expose becomes an impressive listing of go-to professionals for the open-minded. So much for the “science is settled” and “the experts tell us” arguments.
The economy and the environment need your voice to help save both from Big Environmentalism and the Climate Industrial Complex. Submit your nomination, proudly, here.
DeSmog Blogs at MasterResource
Robert L. Bradley Jr. (March 7, 2018)
Robert Bryce (April 28, 2020)
John Christy (February 5, 2019)
Global Warming Policy Foundation, et al. (September 21, 2020)
Derrick Hollie (February 13, 2019)
Institute of Economic Affairs-UK (April 23, 2024)
Steven Koonin (December 7, 2022)
Isaac Orr (October 21, 2019)
Vaclav Smil (April 28, 2022)
Other posts on DeSmog:
Exchange with a Climate Alarmist at Desmog Blog (November 20, 2019)
Editor's Note: Robert’s suggestion is pure Alinsky and I love it. Let's turn the tables and put ourselves in the database! I found I was already there as part of Energy In Depth at one time, but I'd really like to have my own listing, so I nominated myself as an individual. I didn’t keep a copy, unfortunately, but, then,you know who I am anyway.
#Bradley #MasterResource #DeSmog #Energy #Climate #ClimateDisinformation
Wonderful post, thank you. The "exchange with a climate alarmist" sounded like an Abbot and Costello sketch, but unfortunately I too have had such exchanges. Inevitably, I resort to the words of Dr. Marlo Lewis, from testimony before Congress:
If climate change were a global ecological and economic crisis, we would expect to find evidence of declining health and well-being over the past 50 to 70 years. Instead, we find dramatic improvements in global life expectancy, per capita income, food security, crop yields, and various health-related metrics. (each of those "claims" can be well-documented).
Then, I ask "have you any direct evidence that disputes or gives lie to these facts?"
That statement usually terminates the argument.
De Smog is dedicated to whining about energy companies promoting the positive aspects of their technologies and God forbid if a marketing company should specialize in developing campaigns for these companies. However, they neglect to recognize the lack of honesty about the very real environmental harms and impacts of the wind, solar, and battery industry. I have used their list as a resource to find the hall of fame of accurate reporting.