Guest Post from Dick Storm.
Since the 1990’s I have been aware of some anti coal politicians including Bill Clinton and then EPA Head Carol Browner. Also numerous NGO’s that demonize coal, all fossil fuels and nuclear such as the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, NRDC and many more.
Back in the early 2000’s when I was working hard to improve coal plant efficiencies, the EPA’s “New Source Review” (NSR) became an obstacle to plant upgrading and performance improvement. NSR was counter-productive to improving coal plant efficiency and reducing production costs.
Curiously wrong for America? I wondered, “How can such reckless EPA Rules and policies prevail in this great country?” Based on problems my clients (mostly electric utilities) had with NSR, I started paying attention to the opponents of coal, nuclear and all conventional fuels. I subconsciously took in news and information to try to sort it out, Why? Also, I wrote articles for POWER Magazine, technical papers and gave presentations to Technical Societies or organizations on the topic of, “What if New Source Review Went Away?”
Many authors have written on the Washington “swamp” bureaucrats that set policies and laws which are against the best interests of America. The forces against the America I love are numerous and are pushing their agenda “as if” it is for the protection of human health or to save the planet. These well orchestrated organizations are what I have referred to as the “Seven Headed Monster”. Now, after thinking about it the Swamp Monster has ten heads and the policies and restrictions promoted are about control of our lives, one world government and yes, Socialism. The “Greens” are not about human health or saving the planet.(16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)
I am not alone. Fortunately, (but much later than it should have been), the Supreme Court has called out the D.C. Regulatory Swamp by weighing in on the Chevron vs. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) case. Below is a copy of the depiction of Donald Trump and his Cabinet setting out to attack the SWAMP. This image is compliments of Patriotic artist Jon McNaughton. He captures the essence of excessive Regulations facing all of us Americans and President Trump. The artist describes his work, “Crossing the Swamp.” Today, Trump endeavors to cross the “swamp” of Washington DC as he carries the light of truth, hope, and prosperity.
The murky water of the deep state and the ten headed monster are laced with dangerous vermin, perfectly willing to destroy American prosperity for personal ideologies, financial gain and control of America by forces outside our borders. The establishment Democrats, establishment Republicans, deep state, and fake news media will do all they can to stop the majority of the American people from succeeding.” Also, some foreign involvement to support Green actions has been reported. Thank you, Jon McNaughton, for your outstanding painting!
The purpose of this commentary is to summarize ten of the institutions, entities and organizations that function against the best interests of Americans and all of the people of the free western world. They call them “climate policies,” the agenda, however, is control over our lives and it is sinister.
The slide below is from one of my presentations. There are at least seven major groups within the U.S. that influence government energy policy. This illustration attempts to provide one graphic to show as the “Seven Headed Monster.” A short description of these people and organizations will follow. At the end of this essay is a list of references to support my conclusions and for further reading and research. America must win this battle. Currently, the “indoctrination swamp monster” has ten heads when government agencies, government/social media/big tech and Dark Money from foreign adversaries are included.
1. Revolving Door of NGO Extremists Into Employment in High, Influential Government Positions
In 2007 there were over 100 new, clean coal plants planned for construction. Most of the proposed plants were cancelled. During 2007, about 50% of America’s electric power generation was from coal fuel. America had the most reliable and affordable electric grid in the world. In 2008 President Obama came into office to “Change America.” In addition to dividing Americans, he immediately ramped up the war on coal. If you read on and check the references at the end, the connection between Socialism and environmental activism will be connected.
During his two terms he appointed two extreme activists to head the EPA. First Lisa Jackson then followed by Gina McCarthy. Some of the regulations (such as the Clean Power Plan of 2015) was later overturned in 2021 by SCOTUS in WVA vs. EPA. However, the damage to the supply-chain and new coal plant investment viability was done. Later, it was ESG but that is a topic for another day.
Another huge factor was the masking of the high cost of renewables with a surge in availability of low cost natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing. The low cost gas fuel kept U.S. electricity prices stable and electricity production cost economical as many new highly efficient gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) plants were built.
To my knowledge after about 2010 only about four major new coal plants were started up, Longview in WVA, Turk in Ark, Sandy Creek Energy Station and Cliffside in South Carolina. It was during the Obama Administration that it became apparent (to me) extremists were planning, scheming and lying in wait to kill coal plants . Many key people in the Obama Administration were employed by NGO’s before and after the Obama Administration.
Even while employed at NGO’s they had much to do with EPA Rules and other bureaucratic (swamp) policies. The report by the 114th Congress details the “revolving door” of activist/extremists and then placement into influential high government positions. I wrote previous commentaries on U.S. Energy policy influencers, here, here and here. Green policies are not only weakening America’s productive capacity, but also our military strength and readiness. (32, 87)
2. Wealthy Billionaires and Foundations
There are very wealthy people and Foundations whom are not trained or experienced in electric power generation, but may feel they are doing something good for the world by demonizing carbon and conventional forms of energy. Examples are Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Tom Steyer, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, Arabella Network and more. These people and foundations together have provided well over two billion dollars in funding to NGO’s to fight coal, oil, gas, hydraulic fracturing and even nuclear plants. These reports are public information and many links are included here.
3. The United Nations
The U.N. has become distracted from the founding principles of promoting peace in the world. Russia is fighting Ukraine in an unprovoked war. The terror organization Hamas attacks Israel. Meanwhile, the top priority for the U.N. is more emphasis on climate policies for the free western world. The policies are a path to Socialism and One world government, but are called, “climate polices” I have written on this here. China and Russia continue to produce and use record quantities of fossil fuels. China burns more coal than all of the rest of the world put together.
4. The World Economic Forum
The WEF includes thousands of wealthy individuals, companies, government officials and the U.N.. Most unelected officials that come together periodically to promote policies for the countries of the world. Including climate policies. Make no mistake, the WEF is radical and unapologetic for the policies they promote. For example, de-growth, de-industrialization, de-population and restrictions on private ownership.
5. The Main-Stream Media
Internationally circulated newspapers, magazines, TV stations and Internet News, other than a few exceptions such as the Epoch Times, Newsmax and Fox, tend to spread the U.N., WEF, IPCC, and scare monger messages to misinform and indoctrinate the general public with the UN-IPCC messages and agenda.
6. Public Education, K-12, Universities, Public Service Messages to the General Public
Textbooks and teaching in our schools is based on the “science being settled” on manmade global warming. When in fact, the science is not settled. However, the scare tactics have been going on for a full generation of youth that are now voting adults. Billions of people of the world have been indoctrinated and scared about global warming.
7. Woke Corporations
Several years ago I visited Disney World in Orlando. The exhibit of the movie “Frozen” had messages regarding the need to reduce our carbon footprint, etc. Other companies and including some electric utility companies, also contribute to the indoctrination of the public on the demonization of carbon. Few utilities push back or resist the destructive path to exit coal and depend on more expensive, less reliable, weather dependent generation from wind and sunshine.
8. Government Funding Using Our Tax Dollars, Used Against the Best Interests of America
The Biden-Harris funding of $2 billion taxpayer dollars has gone to promote climate action. Included is $50 million dollars to support anti-Israel, pro-Hamas so called, social justice. The huge dollar flows however, are through Planned Parenthood and the alignment of abortion and environmental activism.
9. Dark Money, Including from Foreign Adversaries
Foreign influence of U.S. energy and environmental policy has been documented for many years. Numerous references are included below of funds from Russia, China and other foreign governments to influence U.S. environmental policy. As nearly everyone is aware, the climate policies promoted by the Paris Agreement have not reduced the fossil fuels production and use of Russia, China and other BRICS. Meanwhile, U.S. climate policies are weakening our country and including military preparedness.
10. Big Tech and Social Media
The influence of Big Tech and Social Media is well known. The involvement and cooperation with government is concerning. Especially when the topic of social credit scores and control over our lives as is experienced in China. Therefore, it is only mentioned as everyone has a very good idea of the influence of Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Especially on the younger generation.
The 2024 election is important to save America. This is not hyperbole. The alliances of the Deep State, entrenched Bureaucrats in our government, open borders, U.N. control of energy policy and ever greater influence from non-elected officials has our country on a path to destruction.
The late Donn Dears wrote about a dozen books warning us about net zero policies. It was Donn Dears, in one of his last conversations with me, who said, “Dick, We have got to win this battle.” Yes we do, Donn, RIP. You may not like Donald Trump’s mean Tweets or his sarcasm, however, there is no doubt about his policies are Pro-America and keeping our Pro-Constitutional Republic, I wrote on the “Saving America from Destruction, the Real Issues that Matter.”
Keep in mind, energy provides the basis for everything we do. Energy independence and practical energy policies are a large part of keeping our freedoms.
See original post here for references and sources.
#NetZero #Indoctrination #Electricity #Coal #ClimateChange #Biden #Obama #Trump #Swamp
Thank you Tom for posting this. One reason I wrote this is, I cannot understand why (according to polls) about 45% of the voters still plan to vote (D) in November. The challenge to keep our freedoms is to quickly educate voters on the “Real Issues that Matter”. You have certainly done your part and I sincerely appreciate all that you do!
Well done, Dick.