When Larry Fink, the BlackRock corporatist, prince of globalist elites and high priest of ESG says stuff like this, you know things have changed:
…you need dispatchable power because they can't turn off and on these data centers…
He said this at a WEF forum back in late April. I just became aware of it and here is the entire session:
If you’re like me, you'll have difficulty watching almost an hour of these supercilious scions of the ruling class blather on with unmatched self-importance. So, go to 45:32 where Larry begins to talk. His “dispatchable power” bolt of truth comes at 47:48.
But, why would Fink, one of the strongest advocates for the “energy transition” suddenly address the fundamental weakness of green energy? After all, it seems like just yesterday, he was talking about the trillions needed to feed all the green grifters with whom he was allied.
The answer, of course, is incredibly simple; It's all about the money. AI now offers bigger investment opportunities than the energy transition. The latter was ginned up out of nothing to provide the basis for stealing trillions from ratepayers and taxpayers and empowering WEF members and types to steal ever more in the future, re-creating the feudal society.
But, now AI looks like it could accomplish much the same thing and with much bigger real profits. So, now dispatchable power is suddenly the thing. There is no greater evidence the WEF is a nothing but a corruption for hire club of elites.
#LarryFink #DispatchablePower #EnergyTransition #BlackRock #AI
When he says "I see opportunity", I see dead people.
The true believer greenies and climate nazis are about to find out how unimportant they are.