Back in January of last year, CNN, the worst of all cable news stations, put out an article with this headline that I have stamped as fake news:
I encourage everyone to peruse the article, which is short on concrete facts, long on hyperbole and rich in the wishy-washy language of demagoguery. Why is it fake news? Well, it’s not hard to explain when you dig into the facts, and by that I mean the temperature records at the Pituffik Space Base (formerly the Thule Air Base). It is operated by the United States Space Force and is located in Northern Greenland only 947 miles from the North Pole (750 miles north of the Arctic Circle).
The records may be found at where they are charted. Here are the charts for 1953 and 2023, comparing temperatures over 70 years:

See any significant difference? The lowest low temperature is slightly below -30º F and the highest high temperature is slightly above 50º F in both years. And, if you’re interested in longer term trends, check out this post at one of our favorite sites. Temperatures change constantly and whatever trends that may exist at the moment are insignificant as anyone can see from the above charts.
Indeed, Erik the Red and his Vikings, we’re told in this story (emphasis added):
…discovered Greenland during a time known as the Medieval Warm Period, which lasted from about 900 to 1300. Sea ice decreased during those centuries, so sailing from Scandinavia to Greenland became less hazardous. Longer growing seasons made it feasible to graze cattle, sheep and goats in the meadows along sheltered fjords on Greenland’s southwest coast. In short, the Vikings simply transplanted their medieval European lifestyle to an uninhabited new land, theirs for the taking.
That was 700-1,100 years ago and Greenland was obviously much warmer than today, yet the climate scaremongers at CNN would have us believe warming invisible to the naked eye peering at the above charts is somehow an existential climate crisis. It isn’t, so let’s all calm down, adapt to whatever climate comes about and go about our lives.
#CNN #Greenland #Climate #Temperature #ClimateCrisis #MedievalWarmPeriod
When you want to push a narrative about a particular subject — especially when the narrative is a work of fiction that’s been assembled with nonfictional elements — just obfuscate it. That’s what the left has done for the last 25 years. Calling it global warming didn’t work, so they changed the name to climate change. Then when that stopped working, they started calling it a climate “crisis” so people would focus even more on the gloom and doom than ever versus digging for the truth.
That’s the their strategy: Put relentless effort into constantly making something difficult to understand while keeping fear in the mix to get what you want.
It’s sad that they haven’t abandoned ship yet despite how many people are seeing through the smoke and mirrors. That’s what a thirst for power does; they’ll never have enough.
The truth always finds a way. Good stuff, Mr. Shepstone!
CNN or any other mainstream media wing of the left will not let actual facts get in the way of their climate narrative. Keep up the great work and even if it is 1 article at a time trying to inform the public it’s a start!