Natural Gas and Other Energy News 100 Years Ago Today - June 2, 1924
Natural gas and other energy news from 100 years ago offers great perspective for discussing the issues today. It’s eye opening, given all we’ve learned over the last century.
Is This When the Severance Tax Debate Started? — Be Part of An Empire! — Only $10,000? — Jointless Pipe!
Is This When the Severance Tax Debate Started?
Death and taxes…
Today, of course, they want to tax carbon, the stuff of life…
Be Part of An Empire!
An empire, indeed, and you could have been part of it!
Click the image to open it in a new tab and enlarge.
Only $10,000?
Today it would require $10 million…
Hope springs eternal for a big strike!
And Natural Gas Is Struck in San Ramon!
Another California success story from a century ago!
Jointless Pipe!
This news made countless papers…
Twas a beautiful thing!
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