Lawfare Launched by NGOs and the Trust-Funder Class Are Destroying America, Including Our Energy Security
Meredith Angwin has a superb post up at her site on the subject of lawsuits being used to destroy our energy security. She doesn’t use the word “lawfare” but she does talk about “The Rule of Six in Canada” and the “Rule of One in Vermont” to illustrate it. Here’s a little of what she observes:
Vermont has its own Rule of Six. Except that it is the Rule of One. It is part of the GWSA (Global Warming Solutions Act). Robert Roper has a blog on Vermont politics. He quotes the GWSA in his post Conservation Law Foundation Cashes In on GWSA “Please, Sue Us!” Clause.
“Any person may commence an action alleging that rules adopted by the Secretary pursuant to section 593 of this chapter have failed to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title.” And that, “In an action brought pursuant to this section, a prevailing party or substantially prevailing party: (1) that is a plaintiff shall be awarded reasonable costs and attorney’s fees….”
…Vermont will miss its GWSA goals.
The first GWSA lawsuit is on its way. As reported in Vermont Digger, Conservation Law Foundation Plans to Sue the State, CLF sent a notice of alleged violation to the Agency of Natural Resources. The agency has “..(failed) to meet (their) legal responsibilities set by the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), ensuring the State is on track to reduce climate-damaging emissions.”
As Roper said in his post, suits such as this could cost Vermont taxpayers millions of dollars and …”achieve no public benefit whatsoever, serving only to line the pockets of special interest lawyers.”
Again, read it all here, to get the details, but what caught my attention was the mention of the Conservation Law Foundation. I have written about this group several times and offered this in a commentary on their role in blocking a critical pipeline:
Finally, there is the Conservation Foundation, which initiated the lawsuit creating this mess. It’s gentry class fractivists all the way, protecting special interests at every turn. It was part of the La Jolla Junta and is part of a gentry class fractivist gang that includes the Rockefellers, as well as the Energy Foundation. Bradley Campbell, the President of the Conservation Law Foundation, is a solar energy legal expert and trial lawyer, He also created Swan Creek Energy, LLC (a renewable energy company), following service in the EPA and New Jersey DEP during Democrat administrations…
Who is the CLF? Well, the dark-money fractivist kingpin funder, the Energy Foundation gave it $490,000 since June, 2013 and an incredible $2,262,000 over nine years according to this extremely revealing rundown on the group. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, another gentry class funder of fractivist obfuscation, has given it $150,000 since 2011 and the Rockefeller Foundation has reportedly provided it $1,145,000 over eight years. Plus, it earns money through consulting and insurance side ventures. It is, in other words, just another fractivist shill group intent upon fighting change and preserving social privilege by making a wilderness of New England. What better way than to starve the region of energy for any newcomers and ensuring the existing riffraff has to pay so much for it that it will be forced to leave?
That was all several years ago, but IER’s Big Green, Inc. site provides a fuller list:
These are the NGOs run by the trust-funder class who are engaging in lawfare and destroying America on multiple fronts but especially with respect to energy security. Not only that, but they are special interests in another way as well. That’s because they are invested in solar energy as I noted in my earlier posts. Moreover, the Energy Foundation promotes solar relentlessly for the benefit of its major funder, the Sea Change Foundation, the dark money outfit run by Nathaniel Simons, the son of recently deceased James Simons, the famous Wall Street hedge-funder.
Meredith’s post shows us where all the big green money goes and how it touches on all our lives. It’s ultimately lawfare against all of us by the elites running Western Civilization these days.
#EnergyFoundation #Simons #Solar #ConservationLawFoundation #Trust-Funders #NGOs
We need full-disclosure of the deep black hole created by green activism.
Great work here by two of my favorite energy thinkers.
Having practiced law in Landlord/Tenant court for many years, I believe that Legal Aid was the first major institution to innovate with lawfare. For them it is political, not judicial in my experience. And they have been around for 50 years at least.