Guest Post by Becca Myers of Coterra Energy.
This fall, New Mexico State University and educators and administrators from Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) hosted the Energy Expo and Career Symposium, an event designed to inspire over 3,000 middle school, high school, and college students to explore career opportunities in New Mexico’s energy sector. Intending to bring awareness to one of the region’s fastest-growing industries, the event opened students’ eyes to the diverse and in-demand roles the energy industry has to offer.
“The Expo offered a first-hand opportunity for energy and energy-related businesses, industries, and education partners to introduce students to career fields in a rapidly growing employment sector,” shared Kathleen Gardner, a Career Readiness and Work-Based Learning teacher with LCPS.
Along with students from Doña Ana, the event welcomed attendees from Grant, Sierra, Hidalgo, Luna, and Otero counties on November 1.
As a committed partner in advancing energy education and career awareness, Coterra Energy proudly supported the Energy Expo in multiple ways. We provided energy-focused lessons and classroom resources that helped students prepare for the Expo, equipping them with foundational knowledge about the industry.
Additionally, Coterra Energy UAV (drone) pilots Todd Miller and Santiago Vasquez brought several drones and demonstrated how drones play a vital role in oil and gas by monitoring emissions that are invisible to the naked eye.

Investing in programs like the Energy Expo is about more than showcasing job opportunities; it’s about inspiring the next generation to consider their futures in an industry that is innovative and essential. To meet the growing demands of the energy sector and address the inevitable retirement of current professionals, Coterra Energy expanded our focus to reach young people well before they enter the workforce.
Events like the Energy Expo are a powerful tool for educating students early, helping them envision a career path in energy that they may not have been aware of.
Las Cruces presented a unique opportunity to tap into an underutilized demographic. Despite Las Cruces having a very small energy industry, introducing students to energy careers at a young age allows them to see beyond their immediate surroundings and into an industry that could lead them to high-quality jobs within New Mexico and beyond. Early exposure to these pathways is critical to sparking interest and creating an inclusive future workforce.

Through initiatives like this, Coterra Energy empowers students across New Mexico, connecting the dots between their education, their future, and the vast opportunities within the energy sector. By supporting a local workforce ready to lead, Coterra Energy is committed to a brighter, more inclusive future for New Mexico and the energy industry at large.
Becca Myers is an External Affairs Specialist at Coterra Energy. She coordinates many different community events across the Permian Basin. Prior to her position at Coterra Energy, Becca worked as the Project Development Manager at the Education Partnership of the Permian Basin. She received a B.A. in International Relations, Spanish, and Political Science from Texas Tech University and a Master’s Degree in Applied Research Psychology from The University of Texas Permian Basin.
#NewMexico #Energy #Coterra Energy #Drones #Expo #Students #Permian